![]() ![]() SEQtools - a program suite for sequence analysisSeqtools is a large collection of tools for basic and advanced analyses of nucleotide and protein sequences. The tools are wrapped into a common user interface making handling, storage, retrieval and viewing the results easy and logical.A seqtools project can accommodate many thousand sequences making unattended batch analyses like database searching at NCBI painless with the robust search engine included in seqtools. If you are a student you can use seqtools free of charge for as long as you wish while senior scientists are expected to purchase a full license to the program when the 60 days trial period expires. Some seqtools features...Standard programs like Clustal, Muscle, T-Coffee, TreeView, the NCBI collection of programs and a few Emboss functions are fully integrated into seqtools.In addition a large number of features are included for smooth data handling and storage. Have a look at the web manual and the screen shoots to get an impression of the program. If you wish to try it out, download and install the program - its free.
latest update: 8.4.071
september 2012
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